Copy – Customer Satisfaction Survey

Supplier Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for your partnership. Your experiences are highly important to us.
The purpose of this brief survey is to help us serve your needs more effectively.
By understanding where we are exceeding your expectations or need to improve, we can provide more efficient support service.
Our goal is to be proactive in monitoring your satisfaction, so please provide constructive feedback that we can incorporate into our strategy.

Please select the response that best represents your view (10 exceeds expectations, 1 is unacceptable or N/A for any questions that you don’t have enough experience to comment on).

How long have you had a partnership with our company?*

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How often do you or your representatives visit our company?*

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This personal contact should occur...*

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Rate Our Support Service

Professionalism of our employees you are in contact with.*

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Competence of our employees you are in contact with.*

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Ability to understand your demands and challenges.*

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Effectiveness at reacting and solving your issues.*

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Complaint / Reclamation handling and solving.*

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Rate Our Payment Service

How are you satisfied with our payment terms and conditions?*

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How are you satisfied with our on-time payments?*

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Overall Satisfaction

How are you satisfied with the communication between you and our company.*

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Are you able to contact the company representative easily?*

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What is your overall satisfaction with our partnership?*

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How likely are you to recommend our company to others?*

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Choose Positive and Negative words to Describe Our Company

Which POSITIVE words would you choose to describe us? (multiple answers possible)*

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Which NEGATIVE words describe your bad experience with us? (multiple answers possible)*

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Describe Your Experiences & Suggestions for Improvement

Can you briefly tell us about which points you are possibly not satisfied with?

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We would be happy get your opinion on what we should improve to be more efficient and supportive.

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Survey Participant Information

Insert your Company/Organization name*

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Insert your Name*

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Insert your Job Title (optional)

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Insert your E-mail address (optional)

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